Sunday, February 19, 2006

Mick Jagger's portuguese phrases...

During last night show, Mick Jagger made use of his portuguese classes and showed his love to more than 1 million fans. Here are some of the phrases he interacted with the crowd:

“Que linda noite para um show” - What a wonderful night for a concert show
“E aí, galera?” - what's up?
“Tudo bem Rio?” - what's up Rio?
“Copacabana é a melhor festa do mundo” - Copacabana is the best party in the world!
“Aqui está muito bom” - This is really good!
“As mulheres daqui são lindas” - Brazil has the most beautiful girls in the world
"Alguem de Sao Paulo aqui?" - Anyone from Sao Paulo here?
"Alguem do Rio?" - Anyone from Rio?

And of course, everyone at this point shout back...


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